Friday, 23 January 2009


This is Grace blogging today, just introducing you in a bit more detail to us and our project.

So, we are a group of A-Level students from London, who are working with a charity called Envision through our school. Envision is a charity who come into schools and help students set up their own project to make change. So you can pick any issue you like, from global to local, and they will support you in making a difference.

In choosing to take on homophobia in schools, what sounds like a small task next to international poverty, is actually very daunting. But all of us our passionate about the topic, and feel very strongly that something has to be done.

So, we are:
Saamia: Our project manager; she organises us, and makes sure we're all doing the jobs we are meant to be doing.

Grace: Communications; It's my job to spread the message (like with this blog) and manage all the websites and the e-mail address etc.

Natasha: Press Officer; All press inquires go through her, answering questions in interviews etc.

Charlotte/Emma: Design department; Design all our posters, badges, T-Shirts, stickers etc. we are using to spread the message and work very closely with Alex, our impartial web designer.

Karimah/Sophia: Research; Research not only the issue but how people are reacting to the project and what difference it is making.

So, we'll use this blog to help you map our progress from now. Watch the 'Our Other Places' bar today, as I am hoping to add many more places!

For more information, please e-mail at
And for more information about Envision, please visit their website



  1. Just wanted to say that I think this a fantastic project and I wish you the very best of luck. Am also very impressed with your specific short-term goals such as changing the code of conduct: it's a great way to get some momentum going. Please blog more or get in touch if you need any help with things e.g. fundraising.

  2. Yup, I second Dom. Hurray for this! Best of luck.
    x Sanna
